Lovely reviews for my fantasy novels

Becoming an indie author is difficult. You’re not just writing a story and putting it out there, you’ve also got to market, find reviewers, learn advertising, different platforms, and the hardest thing - find your audience. You’re a one person business until you can afford to hire people (I can’t yet).

In television if you get something picked up, you have a ready-made audience who you will access. They can love or hate your work, but it will be put in front of them. In the world of the indie author you’re casting something into total emptiness in the hope someone finds it. There are ways to make it more visible, but it still doesn’t mean it will stand out.

I’ve written two fantasy novels, which it’s safe to say are weird. I’ve created species, a world and committed to my weird imagination. It’s been a real slog getting them in front of people and a steep learning curve where I’ve wanted to remove them from existence a few times.

A friend directed me to a book blogger @laurenatread who I approached and paid for an honest review. I warned her the book is weird, almost setting myself up for her to tell me it’s awful.

But she liked them and better than that, she got what I was trying to do.

There’s no greater feeling for a writer than when someone understands your work. It reassures you that you’re not insane. Sure, there are things I still dislike about my first book, but there’s also a lot I love about it that I need to remember.

Here are the reviews:

Heroes of Hastovia 1: The First Adventure

Heroes of Hastovia 2:Rise of the Deathbringer

Both books are available on Amazon

Heroes of Hastovia 1

Heroes of Hastovia 2